The Greek mobility...

The 4 th Gymnasium of Chania had the chance to host 19 pupils from Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Spain together with their 9 teachers in the framework of the Erasmus Master project. 
The mobility activities aimed at creating a fruitful experience among all participating pupils through a series of common ACTIVITIES in the following areas: Sport and Dance (day 1), Nature (day 2), Culture (day 3) and Gastronomy (day 4). Each activity represented a challenge and an invitation for the pupils to think how they act when they meet a challenge, but also have fun together with their fellow pupils from other countries. 
The programme had the following structure:

The 1 st day included a series of ice breaking team activities. National teams presented their home countries, town, school and family and then international mixed teams were built. The first challenge was to play an interactive knowledge game using the kahoot app. Then each team competed in sport games that took place in the school gym and finally the day ended with Greek dances.
The 2 nd day was an excursion day. Pupils were taken to the ancient theatre of the ancient town Aptera, where they had a short artistic presentation of their countries. Afterwards pupils had a 3hour hiking through Imbros gorge, where they experienced the beauty of Cretan nature. The day ended with a swim at Fragokastello beach. 
The 3 rd day was also an outdoor activity day in the old town of Chania. Teams explored the town by playing an interactive game using their mobile phones.(hidden treasure). For each point of cultural interest that each team discovered, they gained a letter. When the game was over, teams were gathered in Chania Sailing club, where they had to form words in their own language with the given letters. The day ended with a reflection activity on practical optimism and a common drawing on what optimism represents for each group.
In the last activity day, teams faced a challenge in the field of cooking. They were asked to co -create with their team a food or a drink that would be tasted in the farewell barbeque party that took place in the same afternoon. A specific ingredient and budget as well as time management indications were given to them. The results were fantastic.
Greek pupils were thrilled to have met and hosted the project pupils and create new friendships. The majority described the experience as “life-changing”, as it opened a door for them to new friendships and cultures, despite their initial fears. They enjoyed the fact of sharing their space and taking care of their guests, but also the strengthening of the bonds with their own schoolmates that participated in their project. Below pupils describe their experience in their own words…


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